At NestSpace Design, there is no one-size-fits-all solution in interior design. Our perspective is driven by the desire to embrace diversity and find sustainable solutions that benefit both the environment and our clients. As a team, we take pride in incorporating metaphors into our work, transforming each project into a unique architectural story that unfolds with every renovation journey. Our passion for creativity and innovation continues to fuel our drive to push the boundaries of design. With an unwavering commitment to sustainability and a passion for design, we are dedicated to creating beautiful, functional spaces that exceed your expectations.

Optimize Rich Sensory Experiences in Space.

Working Process

  • 場勘丈量,暸解需求習慣及喜好

  • 初步平面配置,討論合適方案

  • 確認平配圖及預算,簽定合約

  • 天花板、水電迴路等施工圖確認

  • 立面造型、材質色彩計畫提案確認

  • 平配圖微調/按設計擬定工程預算

  • 確認施工項目內容,簽訂工程合約

  • 工期安排,現場專案監工與進度回報

  • 傢具傢飾等軟件搭配建議

  • 驗收交屋,提供一年期保固



音樂、烹飪、穿搭、旅行為日常之必須,這些事物形構出創作的養分,連結腦中湧現的靈光。空間設計不僅是創造新的所在,而是真實地傳述居者生命中的各種熱愛與追求 —— 充滿熱情的光景,是生活;一間有靈魂的屋子,才是家。

Make imagination happen.

Certified License

建築物室內裝修業登記證/ 內營室業字第40E2008573號

建築物室內裝修專業技術人員登記證/ 內營室技字第40EB019417號

建築物室內設計專業技術人員登記證/ 內營室技字第40EA025330號

建築物室內設計乙級技術士/ 證號125-003486

建築物室內裝修工程管理乙級技術士/ 證號126-006569

建築物室內裝修工程管理乙級技術士/ 證號126-008602